domain pronunciation:
[] An excellent domain! In works world, all things are tasks, So in many alive activity areas, in manufactures, in computing and administrative programming… Task is the motor key of all! But it is not a one task! Always multiple tasks, in this point, the importance of order imposes itself. Thus, The first word of this domain components [tasks] on plural! And thus, The second word is map! Why map? Tasks in really world are not as papers paquet of game! it arn't sorted by easy order! For move task A to task B you need a discision, and after you finish task A, and finish Task B after that, you need sometimes turn to task A again ! So, here seem the importance of second word : [map]. [Map] describe movemnets between tasks ! [Tasksmap].com is excellent name of you site if you intersted with organization services, the computing programming, data clouding... This Domain get best noted in branding site []... This was expected given the creative appeal of the domain, its compatibility with the nature of the business, and its motivational appeal for the team! Short, easy-to-remember, motivational. link to SquadHelp store...
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